
Research Grant Application Workshop

...Diplomates. This free one-hour webinar offers one CE credit. The CE certificate is required when applying for a Diplomate Research Grant or a Surgery Resident Research Grant (available to ACVS...

Veterinary Surgery seeks associate editors

Veterinary Surgery is seeking to fill several associate editor positions with an anticipated start date of November 1, 2023. Interested Diplomates are invited to apply by April 21, 2023, using...

2024 ACVS and ACVS Foundation award recipients announced

...Lynn Wheaton Philanthropy Award. The award recognizes ACVS Diplomates who demonstrate intentional and altruistic social responsibility through their work with their community, an association, or other nonprofit organizations. Recipients give...

ACVS welcomes membership director

...and refined membership programs. He is exploring opportunities to promote the value of ACVS board certification while addressing the unique needs of ACVS Diplomates across the arc of their careers....

Veterinary Surgery seeks an associate editor

Veterinary Surgery is seeking an associate editor with expertise in the small animal soft tissue discipline and invites interested Diplomates to apply by submitting a short statement of interest and...