
Program Registration FAQ configure your access to the program’s renewal application in CERT. The ACVS Residency Training Standards & Requirements (Standards) state two full-time ACVS Diplomates may train up to three residents....

Maintenance of Certification Record FAQ

...on the Diplomate’s behalf. If a Diplomate completes ACVS-provided education activities (e.g., ACVS Surgery Summit, ACVS webinars, ACVS laboratories, etc.), ACVS certification staff will add the activity to the Diplomate’s...

Questions for Your Veterinarian

Diplomates and Board Certification Surgery Questions Complaints ACVS Foundation, Supporting Animal Health Financial Aid An ACVS Diplomate is a veterinarian who has completed additional training after veterinary school and has...

Continuing Education Needs Assessment

...determine how to improve the quality of and access to ongoing training for Diplomates and residents. Drawing on survey responses, ACVS is taking deliberate steps toward reshaping its educational landscape...

Governance change information session

ACVS Diplomates are encouraged to register to attend ACVS’s first governance update information session (registration required) on Thursday, February 27, 7–8 pm (ET) to learn more about this important undertaking....

ACVS website wins gold, silver

...Arts. The website received a gold award in the pets and animals website category and a silver award in the association websites category. ACVS thanks the many Diplomates and residents...