
New ACVS Fellows, Surgical Oncology

Congratulations to three new ACVS Fellows, Surgical Oncology. ACVS Fellows have exemplary training and experience in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of patients in their respective fellowship discipline. Janis...
Honored Mentor

Charles E. DeCamp

...friend when we needed a true friend. Thank you, Charlie. ACVS mentorship is a highly privileged relationship. I am sure I have taken away far more professionally, from the observations...
Honored Mentor

D. Scott Taylor (Deceased)

My internship year with Dr. Taylor will remain in my memory as one of the best years of my life. He opened my eyes to the amazing world of surgery...
Honored Mentor

Joseph C. Glennon

I would have never been able to get my foot into the door of the small animal veterinary surgery community without the mentorship and support of Dr. Glennon. His meticulous...
Small Animal Topic

Osteoarthritis in Dogs

...orthopedic disease, such as cranial cruciate ligament disease, hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, OCD, patella(knee cap) dislocation. In a small subset of dogs, OA occurs with no obvious primary causes and...

Volunteer With ACVS

...formerly board-certified individuals and hardship extension requests. Committee meetings: MCC business is conducted primarily using Zoom or MS Teams and email, with five or more calls per year. Workload: Moderate....
Honored Mentor

David A. Allen

...residency and after my residency has made me the surgeon I am today. I will be forever grateful for his guidance and friendship. Dr. Dave Allen profoundly influenced my life...
Honored Mentor

Richard E. Doran (Deceased)

...the most important aspect of his mentorship, in addition to his friendship and trust, was how to relate to clients and the importance of earning their trust. 1953 – 2013...

New ACVS Founding Fellows and Fellow

...treatment, and rehabilitation of patients in their respective fellowship discipline. Megan Theresa Cray, VMD Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Surgeons (Small Animal) ACVS Fellow, Surgical Oncology   ACVS Fellowship Programs...
Honored Mentor

Harry W. Boothe

Having a veterinarian as a father, I have seen the positive effect of mentorship in the veterinary profession from a very early age. Such mentorship has favorably influenced my experiences...