Honored Mentor

Laurie R. Goodrich

...an amazing role model as a surgeon, researcher, and leader. There is no doubt in my mind that I would not be where I am today without her mentorship and...
Small Animal Topic

Urinary Stones

...with ultrasound. Figure 6 Silicate Stones The mechanism of formation of silicate stones (Figure 6) is unknown; however, there may be a relationship between this type of stone and the...
Honored Mentor

Norm G. Ducharme

...I have been able to do what I have done as a surgeon. I am truly honored although unsure of which part I contributed to: Fashion advice? Relationship advice? Proper...
Honored Mentor

Peter Muir

Peter provided me mentorship in veterinary orthopedic research and publication prior to my residency. He gave me an opportunity and I wouldn’t be a Diplomate of the ACVS without his...