As a part of the 2022–2027 ACVS Strategic Plan, the Board of Regents (board) asked ACVS Director of Certification Eric Parente to form four working groups to investigate and make recommendations on several focused areas of residency training and certification. The four areas are resident well-being, resident competency, examination reassessment, and program assessment.
More than 50 Diplomates volunteered to assist in these working groups, and ACVS selected a diverse population to represent the many different demographics of our College. The four groups continue to make substantial progress and have preliminary findings and recommendations that they will make to the board in 2025 and 2026.
The well-being working group is evaluating the data from two surveys fielded in 2024 from veterinary surgery residents and Diplomates. Recommendations are expected later in the year. The competency development working group is exploring both short-term and longer-term steps ACVS can take to develop a meaningful competency framework. The board approved using elements of the American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges Competency-Based Veterinary Education (CBVE) 2.0 Framework as a starting point. This group’s efforts will continue into 2026. The program assessment and examination reassessment working groups are expected to provide recommendations in 2025.
Dr. Parente and ACVS appreciate the willingness of Diplomates to share their knowledge, experience, and time for the betterment of the primary mission of the College.
Diplomates and residents who have questions about the working groups or any specific areas of concern they believe should be addressed by the working groups are encouraged to reach out to Dr. Parente at