

ACVS announces newly certified Diplomates

ACVS congratulates the newly certified Diplomates on passing the Phase II Surgical Competency Examination in February 2025. 26 certified in large animal surgery 62 certified in small animal surgery    1 dual-certified in large animal surgery and small animal surgery The total number of ACVS Diplomates is now 2,597, with approximately 68 percent small animal […]

Recognizing Veterinary Surgery’s top reviewers

ACVS is pleased to recognize Veterinary Surgery’s top reviewers for their outstanding service and vital contribution to the journal. This honor acknowledges the volume and timeliness of the reviews performed in 2024 by the journal’s Editorial Review Board members and ad hoc reviewers.

ACVS now accepting nominations for president-elect and regents

ACVS Nominating Committee Chair Ron McLaughlin, DVM, DVSc, DACVS, recently announced the annual call for nominations for president-elect and regents. The deadline to submit nominations is 5 pm (ET), Friday, April 4, 2025. As ACVS pursues an updated governance structure that separates certification functions from membership activities, Dr. McLaughlin explained, the responsibilities of the president-elect […]

ACVS call for volunteers now open

The College and its work are sustained by its volunteers. Are you interested in becoming actively involved? The call for volunteers is now open!

Governance Update: February 2025 information session recording

ACVS hosted the first of several planned governance update information sessions for Diplomates on Thursday, February 27. The session, facilitated by ACVS Board of Regents Chair Jan Hawkins and ACVS Membership Director Adam Seery, gave an overview and background of the proposed governance change to separate ACVS credentialing functions and membership activities. Diplomates had the […]

Veterinary Surgery seeks proposals for ACVS, ECVS, or ACVS-ECVS consensus statements 

Veterinary Surgery now accepts consensus statements that are thoughtfully crafted to provide the veterinary community with up-to-date information on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of clinically important animal diseases and health conditions. The statements should be derived from evidence-based medicine whenever possible, with the panel offering interpretive comments when such evidence is inadequate or contradictory. The […]

ACVS Diplomates co-sign letter to ABVS regarding fellowship

More than 910 ACVS Diplomates (36 percent) co-signed the letter to the chair of the American Board of Veterinary Specialties (ABVS) expressing opposition to the planned American Board of Veterinary Practitioners orthopedic surgery fellowship. ACVS sent the letter to ABVS and will keep Diplomates informed of any new information.