ACVS welcomes two new Premier Sponsors—Karl Storz and Lick Sleeve
ACVS is thrilled to welcome Karl Storz and Lick Sleeve as our newest Premier Sponsors. ACVS is grateful for their commitment and looks forward to continuing the partnership.
ACVS is thrilled to welcome Karl Storz and Lick Sleeve as our newest Premier Sponsors. ACVS is grateful for their commitment and looks forward to continuing the partnership.
With rapid advancements in veterinary care continuing, the role of referrals for surgery and specialized medicine is on the rise. Primary care veterinarians (PCV) may often find themselves in a situation where the best care for their patients involves referral to an ACVS Diplomate for advanced care, including consultations and surgical procedures. When a PCV […]
The American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS) and the ACVS Foundation announced the recipients of three prestigious awards at the recent 2024 ACVS Surgery Summit in Phoenix, AZ: the ACVS Founders’ Award for Career Achievement, the Al and Carolyn Schiller Distinguished Service Award, and the ACVS Foundation Lynn Wheaton Philanthropy Award. ACVS Founders’ Award […]
ACVS is pleased to announce the election results for the new president-elect and two new members of the ACVS Board of Regents. President-elect is Kelly D. Farnsworth, DVM, MS, Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Surgeons (DACVS); large animal regent is Jose M. Garcia-López, VMD, DACVS, Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation; […]
ACVS congratulates the recipients of the ACVS Resident Education Travel Grant for the 2024 ACVS Surgery Summit in Phoenix, AZ. Anya M. Morrissey, BVetMed, MRCVS (small animal surgery resident) Pedro J. Olivencia-Morell, DVM (small animal surgery resident) Brittany A. Veerasammy, BVM&S, MS, MRCVS (large animal surgery resident) The 2024 ACVS Resident Education Travel Grant, offered […]
To support the College’s strategic plan, ACVS convened in 2023 a working group to propose resident well-being guidelines. The well-being working group is investigating established policies from other organizations with the goal of creating guidelines specific to the needs of ACVS-registered residency training programs and surgery residents. To inform its efforts, the well-being working group […]
ACVS is excited to announce a new ACVS Founding Fellow. ACVS Founding Fellows are remarkable leaders in their respective fields as evidenced by their exemplary training, robust experience, innovative research, and committed practice. They continue to devote a significant portion of their professional effort in seeking to prevent, diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate patients in their […]
ACVS is pleased to announce the ACVS Resident Education Travel Grant pilot program to attend the 2024 ACVS Surgery Summit in Phoenix, AZ. This grant initiative, offered in partnership with the Diversify Veterinary Medicine Coalition, supports ACVS’s strategic goal of improving residents’ access to continuing education opportunities. […]
ACVS congratulates the newly certified Diplomates on passing the Phase II Surgical Competency Examination in February 2024. 18 certified in large animal surgery 72 certified in small animal surgery The total number of ACVS Diplomates is now 2,519, with approximately 68 percent small animal surgeons and 32 percent large animal surgeons. Lori Agulian, DVM Diplomate, […]
Efforts are currently underway in various state legislatures that would allow individuals who do not hold a veterinary license to perform surgery on animals. The American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS) strongly opposes these efforts and believes they will result in increased risk to animal health and safety. All surgical procedures, even those considered routine, […]