Honored Mentor
Gustave E. Fackelman

Dr. Gustave ‘Bud’ Fackelman was hugely influential in my early career. He immersed me in all things orthopedic: He introduced me to the AO Foundation and its principles, he encouraged my interests in research, and he taught me how to be a better clinician. Bud could impart knowledge, inspire excellence, and instill attention to detail, all the while being a confidant and counselor. And he could do it with style.
- Carl A. Kirker-Head, MA, Vet MB, DACVS
- Jörg A. Auer, DMV, MS, DACVS
- Henry W. Jann, DMV, MS, DACVS
- Carl A. Kirker-Head, MA, Vet MB, DACVS
- Mark D. Markel, DVM, PhD, DACVS
- Karl Nuss, DECVS
- Michael J. Reilly, DVM
- Howard J. Seeherman, DVM