Honored Mentor
E. Christopher Orton

Dr. Orton is so generous with his knowledge. He answered calls and sent videos concerning a delicate cardiac procedure even though he had only met me once.
- Carol Carberry, DVM, DACVS

As a resident and now early career faculty member, Chris has been so supportive as I expand my knowledge in cardiac pathophysiology, hybrid procedural skills, and research. I would not be where I am today without his guidance and help.
- Brianna Potter, DVM, DACVIM

I will be forever grateful for the impact that Dr. Orton has had on my career. He served as my mentor through my cardiac surgery fellowship and has been instrumental in helping guide me toward a career focused on the surgical treatment of structural heart disease. I am thankful every day that he provided me the opportunity to work with and learn from him. I consider him a lifelong mentor and friend.
- Brian Sutherland, DVM, DACVS (Small Animal)

- Carol Carberry, DVM, DACVS
- Brianna Potter, DVM, DACVIM
- Brian Sutherland, DVM, DACVS (Small Animal)