Honored Mentor
Charles W. Raker (Deceased)
Charlie Raker was simply a great human being with an incredibly open and engaging mind. Even when he was ‘The Man,’ and people wanted him to do their horse’s joint surgery, he had the foresight to plan the extinction of arthrotomies by personally purchasing and supporting the development of arthroscopic surgery. It was never ‘just about him.’ He was about doing the best for the horse, the owner and those learning from him.
- Dean W. Richardson, DVM, DACVS

- Janet K. Johnston, DVM, DACVS
- John B. Madison, VMD, DACVS
- Mark D. Markel, DVM, PhD, DACVS
- John R. Pascoe, BVSc, PhD, DACVS
- Dean W. Richardson, DVM, DACVS