Honored Mentor
André Desrochers

Dr. Desrochers is more than just an excellent surgeon. Under his guidance, not only did I learn surgical techniques and gain skills, I also developed work habits and science rigor that I have kept since. Dr. Desrochers taught me to never forget the human interaction and how important it is to maintain a great work environment, both in and out of the OR, to enhance learning and maintain a pleasurable work environment. I would not be the surgeon I am today without his guidance and support. Merci André.
- Pierre-Yves Mulon, DVM, DACVS (Large Animal)
Dr. Desrochers is not only an excellent surgeon, but also an exceptional teacher. He is committed to the welfare of the animal as well as the success of the student. He is the professor who taught me to push myself and take on new challenges. His strengths as a surgeon are his ability to adapt to any situation, his responsiveness when confronted with an unexpected complication, and a certain sense of modesty that makes him one of the best in the farm animal field.
- Helene Larde, DVM, DACVS (Large Animal)

It is a real honour to be recognized as a mentor in the field of veterinary surgery. I accept this honour with great humility. I had the opportunity to train highly motivated residents with tremendous willingness to learn and perform in their field. I just had to keep them on the right track and preserve their sense of humour during their training. There is nothing more beautiful than the fire in the eyes of an ACVS resident when you discuss a challenging case, a new surgical technique or a research idea. The training of my ACVS residents and their professional development are definitely, without hesitations, my greatest pride during those years in academia.
- André Desrochers, DMV, MS, DACVS
- Helene Larde, DVM, DACVS (Large Animal)
- Pierre-Yves Mulon, DVM, DACVS (Large Animal)