Honored Mentor

Stephen A. Bilbrey

...my development into the surgeon I am today. He is not only a great surgeon, he is a kind and generous person who is always willing to lend an ear...

Upcoming resident needs assessment survey

...of current and future services, and provide insights into resident wellness during training. Residents should be on the lookout in early July for an invitation to participate in the survey....
Honored Mentor

Karen Tobias

...Dr. Tobias is the epitome of ‘making something complicated look easy.’ Dr. Tobias was an amazingly supportive mentor early in my specialist years, never hesitating to assist or encourage me....
Honored Mentor

D. Scott Taylor (Deceased)

My internship year with Dr. Taylor will remain in my memory as one of the best years of my life. He opened my eyes to the amazing world of surgery...
Honored Mentor

Michael Tillson

Early in his career, Michael Tillson lent perspective to his mentees that a more senior clinician may have long ago forgotten. As much a friend, learning with his mentees, he...
Large Animal Topic

Hemiplejia Laríngea en Caballos

...durante el ejercicio (normalmente, a medio galope o con una actividad más intensa) Es posible que el relincho del caballo cambie Jadear después de hacer ejercicio Los veterinarios pueden observar...
Small Animal Topic

Pólipos Nasofaríngeos

...osteotomía de la bulla ventral en el lado izquierdo. El tercer párpado izquierdo del gato ha subido hasta bloquear una parte del ojo, y la pupila izquierda es pequeña. El...