ACVS Foundation
Honored Mentor

Jose M. Garcia-Lopez


Dr. Garcia has been a teacher, colleague, friend and mentor to me for the last 15 years. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to train with him during my internship and residency programs, and could not have asked for a more dedicated teacher.

- Thomas Jenei, DVM, DACVS (Large Animal)

When I received the notification of this honor, I thought it was some sort of prank by my former residents and now colleagues! In all seriousness, I am sincerely humbled and honored by this distinction. Training residents is the single most satisfying and at times challenging endeavor we have as surgeons working in training programs — making us want to become better at our craft.

My sincerest thank you to all the residents who put in the long hours and make the sacrifices needed to accomplish their goals. I am just happy to be a small part in their formation and even happier to call them all my friends and colleagues.

- Jose M. Garcia-Lopez, VMD, DACVS


  • Gustavo A. Abuja, DVM, DACVS (Large Animal)
  • Kirstin A. Bubeck,, DACVS (Large Animal), DACVSMR
  • Sushmitha S. Durgam, BVSc, MS, DACVS (Large Animal)
  • A. Sarah Graham, DVM, DACVS (Large Animal)
  • Thomas Jenei, DVM, DACVS (Large Animal)
  • David G. Levine, DVM, DACVS (Large Animal), DACVSMR

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