ACVS Foundation
Honored Mentor

David E. Anderson


Dr. Anderson believed in me, took a chance in selecting me for a residency, pushed me to grow as a veterinary surgeon — and to think outside the box. Because of his mentorship, I have become the veterinary surgeon that I am — to perform surgical procedures with confidence and not to hesitate to tackle the challenging surgical cases. I have been very blessed and owe Dr. Dave a debt of gratitude. Without his belief in me as a surgeon, I would not have become the surgeon that I have become today.

- Ken D. Newman, DVM, MS, DACVS (Large Animal)

I am humbled to be recognized as an ACVS Foundation Honored Mentor. Residents are the heart of ACVS – founded on principles of elevating the art and science of surgery and passing that knowledge on to others. I love training residents – not because of what I teach them, but because of what they teach me! I have enjoyed working with talented young people and this keeps me invigorated to do more, to perform better. Thank you!

- David E. Anderson, DVM, MS, DACVS


  • Ken D. Newman, DVM, MS, DACVS (Large Animal)
  • Sylvain Nichols, DMV, MS, DACVS (Large Animal)

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