ACVS and Diplomate commitment to residents continues

To support the College’s strategic plan, ACVS convened in 2023 a working group to propose resident well-being guidelines. The well-being working group is investigating established policies from other organizations with the goal of creating guidelines specific to the needs of ACVS-registered residency training programs and surgery residents.

To inform its efforts, the well-being working group recently collaborated with staff to include questions in the resident needs assessment that was recently emailed to residents and candidates. ACVS encourages residents and candidates to complete the assessment before it closes at 9 am (ET) on Monday, July 22. Likewise, ACVS asks Diplomates to urge residents in their practice settings to participate.

While the survey looks broadly at challenges residents and candidates face, it also delves into their emotional, physical, financial, career, and social well-being. The survey will provide actionable information on residents’ and candidates’ experiences and how ACVS can support them more meaningfully.