ACVS partners with Diversify Veterinary Medicine Coalition to offer Resident Education Travel Grant pilot program


ACVS is pleased to announce the ACVS Resident Education Travel Grant pilot program to attend the 2024 ACVS Surgery Summit in Phoenix, AZ.

This grant initiative, offered in partnership with the Diversify Veterinary Medicine Coalition, supports ACVS’s strategic goal of improving residents’ access to continuing education opportunities. In this pilot year, the grant application is open to surgery residents currently training at ACVS-registered training programs based in the United States.

The deadline to apply is June 7, 2024.

Program Details

  • Grant Benefits: Three residents will receive complimentary registration to the 2024 ACVS Surgery Summit, domestic airfare (economy coach ticket), and hotel accommodations. Rideshare costs to and from the airport will be eligible for reimbursement upon submission of receipts after the Summit. Receipts for meals during travel and meals not already provided by ACVS as part of the Summit may also be submitted for reimbursement within the College’s reimbursement limits.
  • Eligibility: The grant is open to surgery residents currently training at ACVS-registered programs in the United States. Residents from the BIPOC, LGTBQIA+ communities, and other historically underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • Application Requirements: Residents must submit a personal statement addressing the essay prompt and provide a letter of support from an ACVS mentor or supervisor. There is no application fee.
  • Application Period: Applications will be accepted via the DVMC website from May 13 to June 7, 2024.
  • Outcome Notification: All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by June 26.

Contact Sarah Donnelly, programs manager, at, with questions.