ACVS Publications
Cut to the Point Newsletter
Cut to the Point is ACVS’s monthly e-bulletin sent to Diplomates and residents. The PDF files below contain links to web pages that may have newer content or may no longer be published at the time the newsletter is viewed in the archive.
Advances in Veterinary Surgery Book Series
The latest in key areas of evidence-based veterinary surgery can be found in the collaborative book series between Wiley-Blackwell and the ACVS Foundation, Advances in Veterinary Surgery.
Veterinary Surgery Journal
Veterinary Surgery is the official journal of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons, the European College of Veterinary Surgeons, and the Veterinary Endoscopy Society.
Subscribe Online: If you are not an ACVS Diplomate, you can order a subscription through Wiley. For questions about your account, contact Wiley Customer Service for assistance at (800) 835-6770 (toll free) or at
Volunteer with Veterinary Surgery
ACVS Diplomate Online Access to Veterinary Surgery
Read Veterinary Surgery online
All ACVS Diplomates receive online access to Veterinary Surgery as a member benefit. You must create a user account on the Wiley website, as well as provide an access code that grants permission to the journal. To receive instructions for online access, please contact Wiley Customer Service for assistance at (800) 835-6770 (toll free) or Be sure to indicate that you are a current ACVS member. If you have additional questions, contact the ACVS office for assistance (301) 916-0200 x113 or ECVS Diplomates should contact the ECVS office at
If you would like to receive alerts when new articles and issues are published, sign up for email alerts on the journal’s Wiley Online Library page by completing the ‘sign up for email alerts’ section on the right hand side.
For Authors
- The Veterinary Surgery has expanded its list of accepted article types to include three new article types: concensus statements, technical notes, and surgical tips in clips. Instructions for each article type are included in the newly revised Author Guidelines. Be sure to carefully read the guidelines before submitting your manuscript.
- Submit your manuscripts online via ScholarOne Manuscripts (
The webinar, Get Published in Veterinary Surgery: Five Concepts to Transform Your Idea into Publication, is designed to help clinician scientists avoid common pitfalls in research and efficiently publish their results. In this webinar, Editor-in-Chief Dr. Dominique Griffon addresses challenges commonly encountered by authors throughout their quest for new knowledge, from designing a project to disseminating findings.
For Veterinary Surgery Reviewers
Reviewers receive these benefits in appreciation of their commitment to the journal:
- Two ACVS Maintenance of Certification (MOC) activity points per reviewed paper
- Access to a free 2025 ACVS Webinar for timely reviews performed in 2024
- Acknowledgment in a “thank you” announcement listing all journal reviewers, which is featured in the journal and on the ACVS and Wiley websites
- Recognition in an announcement of the top reviewers performing the most timely reviews, which is featured in the journal and on the ACVS and Wiley websites
- Acknowledgement at the ACVS Surgery Summit with “Reviewer” or “Top Reviewer” badge ribbons, depending on the number of timely reviews
- Recognition by Wiley through the Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service
Reviewers, thank you!
Congratulations to Veterinary Surgery top reviewers for their outstanding service and vital contribution to the journal. This honor acknowledges the volume and timeliness of the reviews performed in 2024 by the journal’s Editorial Review Board and ad hoc reviewers.
ACVS thanks the many reviewers who provided conscientious peer review of submitted manuscripts during 2024. Their expertise, altruism, and dedication contributed substantially to the continued excellence of Veterinary Surgery.
Advertising in the journal is managed by M.J. Mrvica Associates. View the Veterinary Surgery Advertising Rate Card for the schedule, pricing, and policies.
Surgery STAT
Surgery STAT is a recurring column in dvm360 magazine that offers helpful tips and insightful information for primary care veterinarians who perform surgical procedures.
This collaborative initiative between ACVS and dvm360 magazine is written by ACVS board-certified surgeons who understand the importance of forming an collaborative partnership with their professional colleagues and animal owners to provide the best possible care to the animal.
ACVS Diplomates are invited to view Surgery STAT articles and submit ideas for articles to the Communication Committee, care of
- Surgery STAT author guidelines
- License Agreement
- W-9 (U.S. Citizens)
- W-8BEN (non U.S. Citizens)
- Read Surgery STAT articles online