Charter Diplomates
Charter Diplomates were selected when ACVS was formed based upon one or more of the following criteria:
- Professor or head of a department in veterinary surgery
- A recognized author of significant publications that resulted from research or practice of veterinary surgery and contributed substantially to its development
- At least ten years of experience in surgery with no less than 75 percent of professional time in each of the ten years devoted to the specialty, and by teaching, research, or practice, had contributed significantly to the development of veterinary surgery
- Significant advanced training in surgery and thorough demonstration of competence in teaching, research, or practice of veterinary surgery, which was devoted most of the individual’s professional time
These recognized leaders in veterinary surgery were invited by the organizing committee to become the first members of ACVS.
Ora S. Adams*
Mark W. Allam*
John R. Annis*
James Archibald*
Chambers L. Blakely*
Wade O. Brinker*
Robert S. Brodey*
Hugh C. Butler*
Allan J. Cawley*
Edwin A. Churchill*
Donald H. Clifford*
D. D. Delahanty*
Edward R. Frank*
Albert A. Gabel*
Harry A. Gorman*
Willard F. Guard*
B. F. Hoerlein*
Jacques Jenny*
LeRoy E. Johnson*
E. Wynn Jones*
Gordon H. Keown*
Robert P. Knowles*
Robert L. Leighton*
Ellis P. Leonard*
William V. Lumb*
William G. Magrane*
Frank J. Milne*
Robert M. Nims*
Ghery D. Pettit*
Charles W. Raker*
Mark P. Rines
Richard L. Rudy*
Fred P. Sattler*
Alfred G. Schiller*
Kenneth W. Smith*
John D. Wheat*