About ACVS
The American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS) sets the standards for advanced professionalism in veterinary surgery. The American Board of Veterinary Specialties recognizes ACVS as the veterinary specialty organization for veterinary surgery.
ACVS currently includes 2,519 Diplomates. Approximately 70 veterinarians earn their Diplomate credentials every year.
Awards Programs
The American College of Veterinary Surgeons is committed to and values diversity, equity, and inclusion and embraces the perspectives that it generates.
Awards sponsored by ACVS and the ACVS Foundation
The ACVS Foundation Legends Award recognizes ACVS Diplomates who have developed a surgical or diagnostic procedure of significant value, proven by becoming the treatment or test of choice for a given condition. The procedure is novel, involves advancements in veterinary surgical science, and has ‘withstood the test of time.’ Even if modified over time, the procedure remains the method of choice for the condition. The award is marked by the receipt of a plaque and recognition at the Mark W. Allam Lecture and Awards Ceremony held in conjunction with the annual ACVS Surgery Summit.
A complete nomination packet will include the ACVS Foundation Legends Award nomination form, the nominee’s curriculum vitae and at least two supporting letters from ACVS Diplomates detailing how this nominee meets the criteria of the Legends Award and why this Diplomate should receive the award. Download the nomination packet. The complete packet must be forwarded to Joanne Magro, executive assistant, jmagro@acvs.org, in one email, with all required forms and letters attached by April 1.
The Nominating Committee reviews all nominations and makes a recommendation to the ACVS Board of Regents to be considered at the annual summer Board of Regents meeting. Following approval by the Board of Regents, the membership votes on the recommendation. The ACVS Foundation Legends Award is granted if the nominee receives 75 percent approval of the responding membership by mail or email ballot.
Award Recipients
The ACVS Foundation Lynn Wheaton Philanthropy Award recognizes ACVS Diplomates who demonstrate intentional and altruistic social responsibility through their work with a community, association, or other nonprofit organization. The nominee will have given their time and talent to positively impact the quality of life of people or animals and show a generosity of spirit and civic responsibility. The award is marked by the receipt of a plaque and recognition at the Mark W. Allam Lecture and Awards Ceremony held in conjunction with the annual ACVS Surgery Summit.
A complete nomination packet must include the ACVS Foundation Lynn Wheaton Philanthropy Award nomination form, a letter(s) of support from an ACVS Diplomate(s) detailing how the nominee meets the criteria of the award, and letters of support from an organization, community member, or other volunteers with whom the nominee has worked. Download the nomination packet. The complete packet must be forwarded to Joanne Magro, executive assistant, jmagro@acvs.org, in one email, with all required forms and letters attached by April 1.
The Nominating Committee reviews all nominations and makes a recommendation to the ACVS Board of Regents to be considered at the annual summer Board of Regents meeting. Following approval by the Board of Regents, the membership votes on the recommendation. The ACVS Foundation Lynn Wheaton Philanthropy Award is granted if the nominee receives 75 percent approval of the responding membership by mail or email ballot.
Award Recipients
The Board of Regents established the ACVS Founders’ Award for Career Achievement to recognize ACVS Diplomates who have made significant contributions to the development of surgical techniques and methodology, and disseminating knowledge to colleagues, residents, and students.
Nomination requires submitting the ACVS Founders’ Award for Career Achievement nomination form, the nominee’s curriculum vitae, and letters of support from two Diplomates. Download the nomination packet. The complete packet must be forwarded to Joanne Magro, executive assistant, jmagro@acvs.org, in one email, with all required forms and letters attached by April 1. See the ACVS Founders’ Award for Career Achievement nomination form for additional details.
The Nominating Committee reviews all nominations and makes a recommendation to the ACVS Board of Regents to be considered at the annual summer Board of Regents meeting. Following approval by the Board of Regents, the membership votes on the recommendation. The ACVS Founders’ Award for Career Achievement is granted if the nominee receives 75 percent approval of the responding membership by mail or email ballot. The award is marked by the receipt of a plaque and recognition at the Mark W. Allam Lecture and Awards Ceremony held in conjunction with the annual ACVS Surgery Summit. Only ACVS Diplomates are eligible in any given year. This award will not necessarily be given annually.
Award Recipients
The ACVS Merit Award acknowledges contributions to the progress of veterinary surgery made by an individual from outside the College. The recipient of this award is an individual who has a career dominated by major and ongoing contributions to the art and science of veterinary surgery. Through their accomplishments, the candidate advanced many of the goals associated with the American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS). One award may be given each year to a non-ACVS Diplomate.
To nominate an individual, the ACVS Merit Award nomination form, the nominee’s curriculum vitae, and at least two letters of support from ACVS Diplomates must be submitted to the ACVS office by April 1. Download the nomination packet. The complete packet must be forwarded to Joanne Magro, executive assistant, jmagro@acvs.org, in one email, with all required forms and letters attached by April 1. See the ACVS Merit Award nomination form for additional details.
The Nominating Committee reviews all nominations and makes a recommendation to the ACVS Board of Regents. Following approval by the Board of Regents, the membership votes on the recommendation. The ACVS Merit Award is granted if the nominee receives 75 percent approval of the responding membership by mail or email ballot. The award is marked by the receipt of a plaque and recognition at the Mark W. Allam Lecture and Awards Ceremony held in conjunction with the annual ACVS Surgery Summit.
Award Recipients
Al and Carolyn Schiller Distinguished Service Award candidates are nominated by ACVS members and approved by the Board of Regents. Conferring the Distinguished Service Award recognizes and honors recipients for outstanding contributions related to the functions of the ACVS. The nominees must have demonstrated exceptional and meritorious service to the ACVS.
A candidate for the Al and Carolyn Distinguished Service Award is nominated by at least two ACVS Diplomates in good standing. The Al and Carolyn Schiller Distinguished Service Award nomination form must be submitted with the nominee’s curriculum vitae and at least two supporting letters from ACVS Diplomates to be acted upon by the Board of Regents. The nomination submission deadline is April 1. A vote by the membership is not required for the Al and Carolyn Schiller Distinguished Service Award, and the Board of Regents’ vote is final. Download the nomination packet. The complete packet must be forwarded to Joanne Magro, executive assistant, jmagro@acvs.org, in one email, with all required forms and letters attached by April 1. See the Al and Carolyn Schiller Distinguished Service Award nomination form for additional details.
Selection of the Al and Carolyn Schiller Distinguished Service Award recipient(s) are not done annually; however, awards are limited to no more than three annually. The award is marked by the receipt of a plaque and recognition at the Mark W. Allam Lecture and Awards Ceremony held in conjunction with the annual ACVS Surgery Summit.
Award Recipients
Outstanding Surgery Residents’ Awards
The Outstanding Surgery Residents’ Awards, presented by the ACVS Foundation, recognizes those who have excelled during their residency presentations. ACVS and ECVS residents receive awards during the annual ACVS Surgery Summit for the Residents’ Forums, scientific poster presentations, and publication in Veterinary Surgery.
More Information and Surgery Resident Award Recipients
One AO Awards
AOVET North America, an ACVS Educational Partner, created the One AO Awards. The resident abstracts are chosen based on their cross-disciplinary orthopedic relevance and embodiment of the “One Medicine” spirit of AO North America.
ACVS/ECVS Resident Speaker Exchange Program Awards
The ACVS/ECVS Resident Speaker Exchange Program Awards are presented by the ACVS Foundation. ACVS resident winners are invited to present at the next ECVS meeting.
ACVS/ECVS Resident Speaker Exchange Program Awards Recipients
On an annual basis, the ACVS Foundation confers the Student Surgery Proficiency Award upon selected members of the senior classes from each veterinary school in the United States and Canada. At the discretion of each institution, up to two awards may be given, one for proficiency in large animal surgery and one for proficiency in small animal surgery or one general certificate. Each award is given to a senior student who demonstrates exceptional aptitude through initiative, diagnostic skill, dexterity, and perioperative care of animals undergoing surgery.
Diplomates at each veterinary school are responsible for determining the appropriate time to nominate, elect, and recognize the award recipients. Nominations for the award(s) may be made by surgical faculty and house officers. The selection criteria should be based on academic and clinical proficiency in surgery and aptitude and interest in surgery. The recipient is chosen from the list of nominees by vote of ACVS Diplomates at the school or college. The award recipient(s) receives a certificate and a one-year subscription to Veterinary Surgery. For more information about this awards program, contact the ACVS office.