Advertising & Partnership Opportunities

ACVS provides diverse and cost-effective advertising and partnership opportunities to help you reach your target audience and achieve your marketing objectives.

ACVS Media Kit

Gain exclusive access to ACVS Diplomates, veterinary surgery residents, or a combined list of both, with custom email blasts perfect for product launches, recruitment efforts, or enhancing your brand visibility with a niche audience.


  • Limited to one email per month per distribution list
  • Specs: provide email content in HTML format; subject line and preheader required
  • Open rate and click-rate reports provided

$2,800: Custom email blast to ACVS Diplomates
$700: Custom email blast to veterinary surgery residents and credentialed candidates
$3,500: Custom email blast to ACVS Diplomates, veterinary surgery residents, and credentialed candidates

Cut to the Point Banner Advertisement

Cut to the Point is the official monthly ACVS email bulletin. This resource provides nearly 3,000 ACVS Diplomates and veterinary surgery residents with the latest ACVS news, educational offerings, and industry updates.


  • Specs: 400px high x 1200px wide (PNG or JPEG)
  • Ad hyperlinks to your company website
  • Impressions, clicks, and click-rate report provided

$3,000 (1 month)
$4,500 (2 months)

ACVS Global Website Advertisement
Want the ACVS community to easily recognize your branding and products? Take advantage of advertising on the ACVS website that averages 137,000 views per month! Place your company’s brand on the homepage, in addition to all major website hubs: the Diplomate, resident, animal owner, and donor hubs.


  • Posted for up to three consecutive months (30, 60, or 90 days); may rotate with up to five other ads
  • Ad can be changed at 30-day intervals during the 60- or 90-day cycle; ad cannot change during 30-day posting
  • Specs: 200px high x 400px wide (PNG or JPEG)
  • Ad hyperlinks to your company website
  • Impressions, clicks, and click-rate report provided

$1,500 (30 days)
$2,500 (60 days)
$3,500 (90 days)

ACVS Digital Learning Homepage Banner
The perfect opportunity to promote your products and services to veterinary professionals seeking continuing education on the all-new ACVS Digital Learning platform.

Average monthly impressions: 1.3K+


  • Ad can be changed at 30-day intervals during the 60- or 90-day cycle; ad cannot change during 30-day posting
  • Ad hyperlinks to your company website
  •  Specs:
    • Option A: 250px high x 250px wide (PNG or JPEG)
    • Option B: 180px high x 1200px wide (PNG or JPEG)

$1,500 (30 days)
$2,500 (60 days)
$3,500 (90 days)

2024 ACVS Webinars

Webinars are presented live by ACVS Diplomates to their fellow board-certified surgeons, veterinary surgery residents, and other veterinary professionals. Each webinar is limited to one sponsor. See below for a list of the 2024 ACVS webinars!


  • Recognition in conjunction with the individual webinar on the Digital Learning website
  • Recognition on the closing slide of the webinar
  • Verbal recognition by the facilitator during the webinar
  • Recognition in promotional emails for the individual webinar
  • Extended exposure with the on-demand webinar recording

New in 2024

  • Webinar sponsorships include a pre-recorded introduction and company overview of up to a minute and a half
  • Dedicated webinar sponsor page on the digital learning website with company logo that hyperlinks to company website

$2,500 per webinar

List of Remaining 2024 Webinars

  • Contract Negotiation and Renegotiation (Sold)
    November 6, 2024
  • Challenging Forelimb Cases (Sold)
    November 15, 2024
ACVS Residents' Workshops

Large Animal Residents’ Workshop (limited to one sponsor)
The Large Animal Residents’ Workshop is a series of four two-hour webinars presented by ACVS Diplomates on four separate days.


  • Recognition in the Large Animal Residents’ Workshop promotional emails and on the Digital Learning website
  • A pre-recorded introduction and company overview of up to 90 seconds at the beginning of each webinar
  • One custom email blast sent to veterinary surgery residents


Small Animal Residents’ Workshop (limited to one sponsor)
The Small Animal Residents’ Workshop is a series of four two-hour webinars presented by ACVS Diplomates on four separate days.


  • Recognition in the Small Animal Residents’ Workshop promotional emails and on the Digital Learning website
  • A pre-recorded introduction and company overview of up to 90 seconds at the beginning of each webinar
  • One custom email blast sent to veterinary surgery residents


ACVS Job Board Postings and Advertisement Opportunities
Attract diverse candidates with varying degrees of experience in the profession by posting your job openings on the ACVS Job Board. ACVS’s 30-day posting starts at $299. Maximize your visibility by promoting your posting with a Job Board Tower Ad or in our monthly Job Flash email, reaching over 2,000 veterinary professionals.

Learn More